Canadian Bieber's increasingly bizarre behaviour is concerning aides after he insisted Mally travelled on his private jet - even though he had no paperwork to show to customs officials in Munich.
According to sources the 19-year-old, who had travelled from LA to Munich, was 'detained for some time' by furious customs officers who demanded to see a health certificate for the monkey - which Justin could not provide.
A source told The Sun: 'He and Mally go everywhere together. He will be heartbroken.
'Justin has been acting like a right diva. He is out of control and lives in an alternative reality to the rest of us.'
The friend likened capuchin monkey Mally, who was given to Justin as a birthday present from music producer Jamal Racshid, to Michael Jackson's beloved pet Bubbles - who accompanied the tragic singer to a number of concerts.
Justin has been on a hectic schedule, going from Poland to LA on Monday in his luxury Cessna Citation, and then onto Munich on Thursday.
It is thought the Boyfriend singer travelled on to Austria by bus - but without his beloved pet.
The superstar denied he was having a breakdown after he kept fans waiting for two hours at the O2 in London and then went on to swear at photographer in a bizarre rant.
A source revealed how the star has been reliving his 2011 appearance as the host 'Saturday Night Live' by replaying the tape - along with his own videos - to his entourage on the tour bus were told: 'It's so awkward. I mean Justin did a good job on the show, but no one wants to watch it again and again.
'Selena used to tell him what was up and it must have helped keep him grounded, because since they broke up his ego is out of control.'
The insider explained Justin doesn't act quite as cocky when he's around people he respects, but his entourage don't want to speak out.
'He does the same thing with his videos. He'll have them running on a loop, and then when he sees a part he loves, he stops and rewinds it and makes everyone watch.
'No one is into it. They all want to play video games or watch movies, not watch Justin! But they all pretend they love it as much as he does. Everyone there is pretty much on the payroll so they all just kiss his ass, and tell him how much they love watching him and his videos.'